Used Tubes - Tested

6BK4C EL4A GE Vacuum Tube Matched Pair
New Pair, tested 950 and 960 µmhos on Hickok 752A, where minimum is 500 ..
$17.99 USD
6CA7 EL34 GE Vacuum Tube Matched Pair
Used Pair Tested 7700/7600 µmhos on Hickok 752A. Min is 3750 µmhos ..
$49.99 USD
6K11 6Q11 Vacuum Tube
Tube tested 2800 where minimum is 1350 and 1300/1400 where minimum is 800/800Rogers branded vacuum t..
$27.99 USD
CBS 5814A 12AU7 Vacuum Tube
Computer rated tube tested on Hickok 752A, with 1275/1175 result. Minimum 625/625Tube has ribbed bla..
$22.99 USD
EF86 6267 Vacuum Tube Matched Pair
Perfectly matched Pair both tested 2300 µmhos on Hickok 752A. Min is 1200 µmhos Used pair..
$22.99 USD
Fleetwood 6K11 6Q11 Vacuum Tube
Tested very strong at 2750 (min 1350) and 1200/1200 (min 800/800) mhos on Hickok 752A..
$19.99 USD
Fleetwood 6K11 6Q11 Vacuum Tube Matched Pair
Tube #1 tested 2900 where minimum is 1350 and 1200/1300 where minimum is 800/800Tube #2 tested 3000 ..
$39.99 USD
Fleetwood EL84 6BQ5 Vacuum Tube
Tested 650 mhos on Hickok 752A, minimum new is 475Long, ribbed gray plate tube with halo getter ..
$17.99 USD
GE 12AT7 ECC81 Vacuum Tube
Grey plate tube, with triple mica and D getter. Tested strong at 1075/1100 mhos on Hickok 752A, m..
$17.99 USD
GE 5814A 12AU7 Vacuum Tube
This GE 5 star tube tested NOS with a reading of 1325/1400 where minimum is 675/675 on a Hickok 752A..
$22.99 USD
GE 6V4 EZ80 Vacuum Tube
Tube arrived in a GE box & is labeled Made In Western GermanyTested new and balanced at 1025/102..
$19.99 USD
GE 7984 Vacuum Tube
Tested very strong at 600 mhos on Hickok 752A, where the minimum new is 300 Black plate tube wi..
$11.99 USD
Hit-Ray 6CA7 EL34 Audio Power Amplifier Vacuum Tube
Used Tube Tested 540 µmhos on Hickok 752A. Minimum is 375 µmhos. ..
$29.99 USD
Mullard 8233 E55L CV5808 NOS Gold Pin Vacuum Tube
Mullard manufactured tube in Mitcham, England for CGE in Original Box. Code BP1 R3E4. Manufact..
$179.99 USD
Philips EZ80 6V4 Vacuum Tube
Tested new and balanced at 1071/1071 mhos on Hickok 752A, minimum 650Made by Philips in Holland. Shi..
$24.99 USD