NOS (New Old Stock)

Marconi 5692 6SN7 Brown Base Vacuum Tube
Perfectly balanced at 2200/2200 µmhos on a Hickok 752A where minimum is 1600/1600 Black Plate, tr..
$134.99 USD
Mullard ECC83 12AX7 ECC83 Vacuum Tube
Tested 350/345 on Hickok 752A minimum is 200. The 752A is noted for giving a low reading for th..
$69.99 USD
NEC 6SN7GTB Vacuum Tube
Tested 3100/3100 on Hickok 752A, where the minimum is 1600/1600Dual Triode with balanced test result..
$24.99 USD
Northern Electric 403B 5591 Vacuum Tube NOS
Made by Northern Electric the Canadian arm of Western Electric. Tested 3600 µmhos on a Hic..
$15.99 USD
Northern Electric 408A Vacuum Tube NOS
Made by Northern Electric the Canadian arm of Western Electric. Tested 3800 µmhos on a Hic..
$15.99 USD
Panasonic 12BH7A Vacuum Tube
NOS vacuum tube made in Japan and tested 1050/1000 µmhos on Hickok 752AMinimum is 475. NIB with shor..
$44.99 USD
Philips 7591 Vacuum Tube Beam Power Tube Made in Japan
Tested 8250 µmhos on Hickok 752A. Minimum is 5000µmhos. ..
$34.99 USD
Philips Mullard 6BL8 ECF80 Vacuum Tube Pair
Closely matched pair of NOS tubes branded Philips with Mullard, Blackburn code (B1L1).Tested 1025/11..
$24.99 USD
Philips Rogers JAN 6CB6 Vacuum Tube Quad Set
Tubes tested New: 1000, 1025, 1025 & 1100 µmhos on Hickok 752A. Minimum is 700Same date codes, J..
$17.99 USD
RCA 12AX7A Vacuum Tube
Tested 325/350 on Hickok 752A where minimum is 200. The 752A is noted for giving a low reading ..
$17.99 USD
RCA 5692 Brown Base Vacuum Tube NOS Matched Pair
This is a pair of NOS vacuum tubes designated "RB" and made in the USA.Tested on a Hickok Model 752A..
$89.99 USD
RCA 6202 Full-wave Rectifier Ruggedized 6X4 Vacuum Tube
Black Plate NOS Guitar Amp full-wave rectifier Date Code 6930..
$12.99 USD
RCA 6FQ7 6CG7 Cleartop Vacuum Tube
Tested new with completely matched sections with readings of 3200/3200 µmhos on Hickok 752..
$24.99 USD
RCA 6FQ7 6CG7 Cleartop Vacuum Tube
Tested new with readings of 2800/3100 µmhos on Hickok 752AMinimum good is 1600/1600. Tube ..
$17.99 USD