
Fleetwood 6K11 6Q11 Vacuum Tube

Fleetwood 6K11 6Q11 Vacuum Tube

Tested very strong at 2750 (min 1350) and 1200/1200 (min 800/800) mhos on Hickok 752A..

$19.99 USD

GE 7984 Vacuum Tube

GE 7984 Vacuum Tube

Tested very strong at 600 mhos on Hickok 752A, where the minimum new is 300 Black plate tube wi..

$11.99 USD

Telefunken 12AU7 ECC82 Vacuum Tube

Telefunken 12AU7 ECC82 Vacuum Tube

Tested 1225/1500 on Hickok 752A. Minimum good is 625/625  Tube has smooth grey plates and ..

$22.99 USD

Telefunken 6GW8 / ECL86 Matched Pair Vacuum Tube

Telefunken 6GW8 / ECL86 Matched Pair Vacuum Tube

Used tubes from same audio channel, made in Germany. Results from test on Hickok 752A: 7000/725..

$44.99 USD

Telefunken ECH81 6AJ8 Vacuum Tube Pair Diamond Bottom Logo

Telefunken ECH81 6AJ8 Vacuum Tube Pair Diamond Bottom Logo

Test results are 625/675 and 720/740 where the minimum is 475/475 ..

$17.99 USD

Telefunken EF85 6BY7 Diamond Bottom Vacuum Tube

Telefunken EF85 6BY7 Diamond Bottom Vacuum Tube

Used EF85/6BY7 Vacuum Tube Tested very strong on a Hickok 752A Test result is 650, where the mi..

$14.99 USD

Telefunken EL84 / 6BQ5 Diamond Bottom Vacuum Tube

Telefunken EL84 / 6BQ5 Diamond Bottom Vacuum Tube

Tested 6750 mhos on Hickok 752A, where the minimum new is 4750Made in West Germany and has halo gett..

$28.99 USD

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 (1 Pages)